Go RED for Women.. Painting the United States RED!
As I sit down tonight to write this blog I'm at a loss for words. What I have just experienced in a room full of over 400 women/men in a sea of Red is truly an amazing moment. The air was filled with HOPE! Hope that each and every one of us could play a part in stopping the #1 killer of women heart disease and stroke. Emotions ranged from laughter to tears and everything in between. Go Red for Women is a truly amazing cause where people join together. In just 3.5 short hours, 400 women/men raised over $200,00 to help fight this cause. The possibilities are endless in what we can do to fight this!
This is truly shocking!! 1 in 3 women dies from heart disease or stroke. This needs to end now!
When the slide above was presented, you could hear a pin drop. I sat at a table of 10 and looked around and thought who is next? What we need to remember is heart disease and stroke don't discriminate. We need to do something about this, and it needs to start now. How many times do we turn on our tv and see pink? It's time to expand our color palates and realize the red that signifies the American Heart Association impacts more women on a daily basis. Well, my wish is that you will turn on your TV see red and think heart disease and stroke. We all need to start getting involved. The truth is that in your lifetime you will either be affected by it personally or have a family member affected.
Do we need to start asking ourselves, what can I do? How can I get involved? It takes one simple step call your local American Heart Association ask them what you can do to help. It starts with you and from there it blossoms to others. I would love to see us all start to catch the "RED FEVER". We need to take out the biggest paintbrush we can find and paint this world RED!!
Below you will find my "Survivor Story" video. This video was produced by the American Heart Association. I was able to share my story tonight in hopes that everyone in the audience would not have to experience the crazy journey I've been on. Thank you to the American Heart Association for letting me be apart of such a beautiful evening.